The Freedom Futures Fund is the charitable arm of Freedom Futures. As a pooled fund powered by our clients and donors, we provide direct resources and rapid support to frontline organizations, coalitions, leaders, and movements working to repair and heal marginalized communities.
With an emphasis on trust and impact, the funds we distribute are unrestricted, allowing recipients the flexibility to address urgent needs and long-term goals without external constraints. This approach reflects our commitment to equity, repair, and sustainability.
The Freedom Futures Fund offers a streamlined pathway for our client partners to mobilize significant funding through our firm. Backed by our lived experience, field expertise, and trusted networks, we ensure these resources are deployed with care and precision to maximize their impact.
The Freedom Futures Fund is proudly housed at Amalgamated Foundation.
Why Freedom Futures Fund?
Simplified pathway for client partners to mobilize significant funding.
Our approach emphasizes repair, sustainability, and long-term positive change
Dedicated to supporting movements that foster systemic change.
Contributing to building a more just, equitable future for all.
Dedicated to supporting movements that foster systemic change.
Housed at Amalgamated Foundation, an organization with a strong history in social justice and equity work.